When someone mentions to you the abbreviation "FPS" what do you think of? Perhaps Call of duty, Battlefield or Arma. If you said frames per second, you are indeed a stubborn ass. But what if I told you that there is another breed of FPS (not frames per second), where you didn't have to follow linear corridors, walking into scripted sequences time and time again?
Enter Quake 3, a fast paced multi-player first person shooter, released in 1999, done in the style of those old games of yonder. As you can tell by the "3" it is the third installation of the mentioned series. Thrilling, I know. But this series was ID software's attempt at moving to greener pastures, as they thought multi-player was the most fun part of a game and decided to dump the single-player experience all together*.
*Actually you can verse bots but there is no story mode to speak of.
These FPS's had you sprawling all over the place at super-human speeds, dodging rockets and exchanging bullets as you went. Health re-gen? No, these were the times when you couldn't simply cry behind cover like big wuss you are, no you had to haul ass and pray to Mother Mary that somewhere within this god-forsaken place was a med pack to keep you going for another ten minutes.
A rare species that may be slowly coming back with re-releases of older games on games distribution that are now available. As well as the remakes released such as shadow warrior and rise of the triad.
Now wait right there, I have three things to warn you about before you go gallivanting off wallet in hand.
1. This game, much like your face, is pretty damn ugly even with mods you're going to have to play with a disregard for graphics or better yet blindfolded. The sound however isn't too bad as the music suits the semi technophilic maps, it is not my cup of tea but I'm sure it has it fans somewhere... amongst the other tone death buffoons that belong in the rancor pit.
2. It's old, I mean pretty old in technological terms, you're hardly gonna find any other humans playing online unless you wanna go against bots, which from my experience isn't that gratifying.
3. There are better alternatives. Like I mentioned earlier, many of these old FPS games are being re-made, this means that you can have the game-play and story of these games while having the fancy graphics and polish of current FPSs.(FPSs or FPS's or FPSes or FPSi? There's some food for thought, now eat up cause that's all you're getting.)
Conclusion: Is it fun? Yes.
Is it graphic-ly impressive? No.
Should I buy it? No.
Why? Because there are newer, better and more importantly cheaper games that do the essentially the same thing.
I don't use scores in my reviews, but when I do I make sure to give Quake 3 a 2/10.
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