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Saturday, 28 December 2013

BrillZone: ShadowDrawl

KillZone: ShadowFall
"Don't count your owls before they are delivered." - Albus Dumbledore

Kill-zone is a FPS franchise in which you play as a member of “ISA”* that fights against the Helghan administration, under the United Colonial Nations in an intergalactic war.

*Interplanetary Strategic Alliance

Well, the next generation of consoles here and they are now relying on their exclusives to bring in the customers. Up on Sony's bench is Kill-zone: Shadow-fall, can it deliver good game play and story while showing off the PS4's potential? Let's find out!!

How does it look?
The game looks fantastic, from the glowy space guns to the not so nazi nasty bad guys to the atmospheric scenery it is certainly a step in the right direction. The lighting is great, especially in the forest, with enough lens flare to bake Michael Bay.

The sound assets are very well done as they cover everything from the waves crashing on the rocks, to the transition of walking across forest onto stone.
This coupled with the visual effects make the game very immersive.

Game play
The game play of Kill-zone is one that could be considered a generic super soldier FPS although they have added a queer little companion known as the O.W.L. This “owl” will shield you, attack specified targets, stun enemies and create zip-lines for you to traverse the map with, a neat little addition although I never used it unless prompted to and to be honest, it felt less like a game-play component and more like a last minute tacked on side gimmick.

Is it fun?
Yes it is fun, as it lets you play pretend predator with the sonar scanner as you pick off each of the enemies from either a perch opposite the site or the floor below that you accessed through the vents, coupled with the competent A.I., fun times can and will be made .

But what about the story???
To be honest I couldn't pick up on the story at all throughout the time I played this game, perhaps it's because I hadn't played any of the prequels but the game doesn't seem to ease in newcomers to the franchise in my opinion.

Should I Buy?

I would wait a little while for the price to drop as at the moment it costs about £40-£50, that is if you are looking for a fun decent looking shoot 'em up. If you want realism look else
ware and if you want to get a good story out of it play its predecessors first.

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